Bezcire Partners (Bezaire) has been retained by the MAA Ashapuri Enterprises Inc. (MAE) to prepare a Planning Justification Report (PJR) in support of 0 Zoning By- law Amendment for the lands located at the southeast corner of 7'h Concession Rd. and Baseline Rd., (Subject Lands) in the City of Windsor. The Subject Lands are identified as 4100 71h Concession Rd. and described legally cs Concession 7 PT Lot 16: RP 12R16823 Port 2.

The purpose of the Zoning By-Icw Amendment is to facilitate the development of an 87-unit Hotel at this location (See Figure 1).

The Subject Lands are currently regulated by the Sandwich South Zoning By-Iow 85-18 and are zoned Hamlet Commercial (CH). To permit a hotel development, this application proposes to amend the zoning on the Subject Lands from Hamlet Commercial (Ch) under the Sandwich South Zoning By-Icw 85-18 to the Commercial CD33 zone under the City of Windsor Zoning By-Iow 8600. The location of the Subject Londs within the context of the Sandwich South Zoning By- law 85-18 is shown on Figure 7.

This PJR has been prepared for submission to the City of Windsor and includes the following:

As part of this planning analysis, the following documents were reviewed:

  1. The Provincial Policy Statement (2014) (PPS)

  2. The City of Windsor Official Plan (OP)

  3. The Sandwich South Zoning By-Law 85-18 (85-18)

  4. The City of Windsor Zoning By-Law 8600 (8600)