Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, May 11, 2020

applicant for some time and have been involved in the ongoing development through various phases.

Councillor Holt requests that Ms. Montello respond to the comments made by Mr. Hunt. Ms. Montello states she concurs that Walker Power was extremely pleased working alongside the City of Windsor through the development and that is one of the reasons why it is so perplexing when no one from the city had spoken to her clients directly about this change with respect to the designation. It was not until she attended a meeting with the Manager of Real Estate Services that this change became clear. She questions why the Heritage Planner was not involved in the process earlier if that was the expectation.

Councillor Holt requests administration respond to the allegation that Mr. Ducharme attempted on several occasions to contact the Heritage Planner with no response. Ms. Tang responds that her involvement in this project began in early 2018 so she cannot speak to the meeting held in 2016. In terms of the comments relating to Mr. Ducharme leaving messages, she reports she did not receive any messages about cladding material. She further notes she received e-mails from Mr. Ducharme relating to questions around heritage designation, which were sufficiently addressed.

Councillor Bortolin inquires as to process and why this committee and City Council didn’t consider the issue of the additional floor. Ms. Tang responds the draft by-law and the heritage attributes show the physical and design attributes that have been identified. The key elements have been retained by the property through the development process. The draft by-law was provided to the owner in September 2019 to provide an opportunity to discuss the details on the list; however, no response has been received at this time.

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Member Baker

Decision Number: DHSC 160

THAT the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to publish a Notice of Intention to Designate Walker Power Building, at 325 Devonshire Road, in accordance with Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for the reasons attached in Appendix ‘A’.

At the request of Chairperson Bortolin, a recorded vote is taken.

Aye votes: Councillors Bortolin, Holt, Morrison, and Sleiman, and Members Baker, Bulmer,

Fratangeli, Foot, and Miller.

Nay votes: None.

Absent: None.

Abstain: None.

Report Number: S 178/2019

Clerk’s File: MBA/13632