The subject lands are proposed to be developed for a three-storey, 192 bed, long-term care facility with 97 parking spaces (Figures 8 and 9). The conceptual site plan provides for a building footprint of 11,505 m2 (37,745 ft2) and a gross floor area (excluding the mechanical penthouse) of 37,419 m2 (122,765 ft2). The majority of the massing of the building is located to rear of the property, with two wings extending towards Banwell Road. Ultimately, the design of the building reflects two, mirrored ‘L-shaped’ buildings on the north and south ends of the subject lands, which are connected at the rear of the property. Each ‘L’-shaped wing forms a “community” within the portion of the building linking them, containing shared dining facilities. The 192 beds are comprised of 114 private rooms and 78 basic (shared) rooms. Shared rooms are provided to help provide more affordable living arrangements, as requested by the Province.

The conceptual site plan provides a landscaped open space area of 35.5% and a lot coverage of 24.1%. The three-storey building has a maximum height of 11.6m (excluding the mechanical penthouse).

There are two vehicular access points proposed for the subject lands: (1) a primary full-turns access at the new, future signalized intersection at Banwell Road and Palmetto Street, and (2) a secondary right-in/right-out (RIRO) access for loading, service, and staff parking. A pick-up/drop-off area, including barrier-free parking spaces, is proposed in the centre of the property in front of the principle entrance. Access to the pick-up/drop-off, as well as parking for residents and visitors, is provided from the new, future signalized intersection (Figure 10).

The servicing and loading area is located below grade, allowing for loading directly into the basement. This area is located between the north wing of the building and the single detached dwellings to the west, shielding the dwellings from noise and activity. Further, the building will provide a noise buffer to the dwellings from traffic on Banwell Road.