5.6 Fujisawa Mayor Election held on February 16, 2020

2. Declaration of Conflict

None disclosed.

3. Minutes

Moved by Councillor Kaschak, seconded by Councillor Costante,

That the minutes of the International Relations Committee of its meeting held November 27, 2019 BE ADOPTED as presented.

4.  Business Items

4.2 Draft Letter to the Twin Cities on behalf of the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce

The draft letter to be sent to the Twin Cities on behalf of the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce is distributed and attached as Appendix “A”.

Moved by Councillor Costante, seconded by Councillor Sleiman,

That the draft letter to be sent to the Twin Cities on behalf of the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce BE APPROVED.

4.3 2020 Children’s Art Exchange

S. Gebauer advises an e-mail from Gunsan, South Korea was received with an inquiry asking whether the Children’s Art Exchange will once again be held in 2020. It is generally agreed the Children’s Art Exchange will be held in the Summer 2020.

Moved by L. T. Zhao, seconded by R. Haidar,

That the Children’s Art Exchange BE HELD in the Summer 2020.

4.1 Discussion regarding Options for a Sister City Initiative

City Council at its meeting held February 24, 2020 adopted CR99/2020, an excerpt of which follows: