4100 7th Concession In addition to the above, the City of Windsor has existing plans to install a roundabout that will incorporate traffic from Baseline, 7th Concession, and County Road 42. That work is already planned regardless of this the application by the hotel. In fact, the hotel has agreed to convey a large part of its property to the city of Windsor for the purpose of the roundabout. The roundabout and extent of conveyances is shown below:

Excerpt from Lauzon Parkway Improvements Class Environmental Assessment Study – Roundabout at intersection of 7th Concession, Baseline, and CR 42.


  1. The additional information provided in the responses should support a better understanding of the issues raised by the neighbours.

  2. By far the most significant item of concern is the cost to be incurred by each resident to install sanitary sewers and connections to their property. Unfortunately, it is a clear objective of the municipality to put these residences onto municipal services for environmental reasons. This is beyond the control of the applicant. While we support the environmental objectives being met, we would be happy with any of the previously proposed routes. The residents have the option of having the cost put on their taxes and paying it over several years.

  3. The traffic impact study does not support the neighbour’s concerns with respect to traffic or safety. The City will, when the need is justified, install a roundabout at the intersection of 7th Concession and Baseline Rd accommodating traffic from County Rd. 42.