g) Lack of streetlights and sidewalks on baseline creates safety concerns


Baseline Rd lacks municipal services such as streetlights and sidewalks and, the residents claim, results in an unsafe environment for children and families who want to walk along the road. They suggest that this will get worse because of the increased traffic.


Baseline Rd was constructed when the area was part of the county. Consequently, it was developed using quasi rural standards. Now that it is part of the City of Windsor, eventual upgrades to an urban standard are needed. Those additional amenities are available, as they are to any residential area in the city by local improvement.

h) Increased traffic


The hotel will result in an unacceptable increase in traffic.


A traffic impact study was completed as part of the planning application. The report by Paradigm Traffic Solutions indicates this for future traffic operations with the proposed infrastructure.

“Background Traffic Operations: All intersections within the study area are forecast to operate within acceptable levels of service, with no problem movements.

Total Traffic Operations: All Intersections within the study area are forecast to operate within acceptable levels of service similarly to the background conditions with no problem movements.

A southbound left turn Lane at concession road 7 and West driveway is warranted under 2024 total traffic conditions during the Saturday peak hour.”

Installation of the proposed left turn Lane is a requirement of the municipality and will be installed at the cost of the applicant.

i) Increased crime


The residents are concerned about crime that might occur because of the transient nature of the hotel patrons.


The development proposal was circulated to many agencies both inside and outside of city hall. One such agency is the Windsor Police Department. They expressed no concern about the proposal. They commented as follows: