effect of an amendment to the Official Plan.


  1. The relevant evaluation criteria contained in the Land Use Chapter of this Plan, Volume II: Secondary Plans & Special Policy Areas and other relevant standards and guidelines;

  2. Relevant support studies;

  3. The comments and recommendations from municipal staff and circularized agencies;

  4. Relevant provincial legislation, policies and appropriate guidelines; and

  5. The ramifications of the decision on the use of adjacent or similar lands.

The relevant evaluation criteria have been considered as noted in this report. Relevant support studies were submitted and were considered in the review of the subject amendment. See “Summary of Required Support Studies” attached as Appendix E-1 to this report. The requirements, comments and recommendations from municipal departments and circularized agencies have been considered as noted in the CONSULTATION section of this report. Relevant provincial legislation and policies have been considered. The subject zoning by-law amendment is consistent with the relevant policies of the PPS noted in this report and conforms with the relevant policies of OP Vol. 1 as discussed above, in this report.

This amendment provides the opportunity for a desirable commercial use (a hotel) to be located in very close to the airport. The development will provide a convenient lodging for travellers using the Windsor International Airport and patrons of nearby businesses. This amendment is expected to boost the economy in the subject area and beyond.

Based on the above analysis in this report, the recommended Zoning By-law Amendment maintains conformity with the Official Plan and meets the criteria set out above under section of the OP Vol. 1.


The subject land is zoned Hamlet Commercial (CH) by By-law 85-18 as shown in the ‘Requested Zoning Amendment’ map in this report, under Background Information. The Hamlet Commercial zoning permits a hotel use in accordance with section 10.2.3 of By-law 85-18. However, section 10.2.3 restricts hotel use to a location fronting on the Provincial Highway Number 3 and County Road No. 42. See Appendix C-1 (Excerpts from Zoning By-law 85-18) attached to this report.

The applicant’s request for zoning amendment includes changing the by-law that governs the subject land from B/L 85-18 to B/L 8600. Hence, this amendment is for zoning change from Hamlet Commercial zone under By-law 85-18 to Commercial District 3.3 (CD3.3) under By-law 8600. Based on the applicant’s request, Zoning By-law 85-18 will have to be repealed on the subject land and Zoning By-law 8600 will be further amended to allow the proposed hotel use on the subject land. The change of lands from being under By-law 85-18 to being under By-law 8600 is generally recommended because it harmonizes the zoning process with the rest of the City.