The applicant’s proposal meets the definition of a “development” as found in section 41(1) of the Planning Act and in the City of Windsor Site Plan Control By-law 1-2004. The applicant submitted an application to the Planning department for Site Plan Control Approval concurrently with this rezoning application.

Site Plan Control is a more appropriate tool for addressing most of the conditions imposed by municipal departments and external agencies. A Site Plan Control Agreement is also recommended as a condition of H-removal for this amendment.





Risk Analysis:

The requested zoning amendment poses no known risk to The Corporation of the City of

Financial Matters: N/A



Attached as Appendix D, to this report, are comments from the municipal departments and external agencies. There are no objections to the proposed amendment. However, there are conditions for approval of the rezoning as noted in the municipal comment received from Engineering & Geomatics, Transportation Planning, and the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation & Parks. See attached Appendix D for details. Note that the required conditions are already included in this report under ZONING discussion and RECOMMENDATION section.

Enbridge Gas requires a minimum separation of 0.3m from all of our plant. Enbridge asks that this minimum separation requirement be maintained, and that the contractor obtains locates prior to performing any work and utilizes safe excavation practices while performing any work in the vicinity. This requirement is best addressed through the Site Plan Control Approval process.

Transportation Planning - Based on the findings of Transportation Impact Study prepared by Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited and dated November 2019, Transportation Planning recommends that the development be approved with an auxiliary westbound left-turn lane with a storage length of 15-meters at the intersection of Concession Road 7 and West Driveway.

Although we did not receive any comment directly from the Airport, but the applicant’s Planning Consultant, was in communication with the Airport officials in October, 2019 and has an email, dated October 31, 2019 from the Airport official (Steve Tuffin) stating the following: “I will confirm that the property in question is outside the Obstacle Limitation Scope OLS. Therefore, the height restriction is 150’. The building at 40 to 50 feet high would not be an issue for the airport.” See a copy of the correspondence attached as Appendix D-1 to this report.