Per Schedule F: Roads and Bikeways, Banwell Road and Tecumseh Road East are Class II Arterial Roads, EC Row Expressway is an Expressway, Wildwood Drive is a Class II Collector Road and Palmetto Street is a Local Road. Signalized intersections exist at Banwell and Tecumseh, Banwell and Wildwood/Mulberry and Banwell and EC Row Expressway.

Public transit is available via the Lauzon 10 bus which connects with several bus routes at the East End Terminal located at Tecumseh Mall to the west at Tecumseh Road East and Lauzon Parkway. A bus stop is located on the east side of Banwell Road, across from the subject parcel.

Future improvements to Banwell Road including sidewalks and traffic lights at Palmetto will improve access to the bus stop. The 2019 Transit Master Plan recommends maintaining bus service on Banwell Road.

No sidewalks or multi-use trail exist on Banwell Road, however, they are planned as part of the Banwell Road Environmental Assessment (EA).

Banwell Road between Tecumseh Road East and the CPR Railway corridor to the south was subject to a Class EA, approved in 2016. Adjacent to the subject parcel, the preferred design proposes a road with a four-lane cross section with basic elements between Tecumseh and Wildwood/Mulberry, a 4.0 m wide multi-use trail, with a signalized intersection at Palmetto Street. No additional land is required for road widening purposes.

The existing signalized intersection at Banwell and Wildwood/Mulberry is to be replaced with a roundabout.

It is anticipated that the tender for Phase 1 of the Banwell Road EA (Tecumseh Road to Palmetto) will be complete by the end of June 2020 with construction beginning by the end of August 2020.

Sanitary and storm sewers are available to service the subject lands. The parcel is located within the regulatory area for the Parent Outlet Drain.