APPENDIX C - Extracts from City of Windsor Official Plan VOLUME I – LAND USE

6.2 General Policies

TYPES OF DEVELOPMENT PROFILE For the purpose of this Plan, Development Profile refers to the height of a building or structure. Accordingly, the following Development Profiles apply to all land use designations on Schedule D: Land Use unless specifically provided elsewhere in this Plan:

  1. Low Profile developments are buildings or structures generally no greater than three (3) storeys in height;

  2. Medium Profile developments are buildings or structures generally no greater than six (6) storeys in height; and

  3. High Profile developments are buildings or structures generally no greater than fourteen (14) storeys in height.

6.3 Residential

The lands designated as “Residential” on Schedule D: Land Use provide the main locations for housing in Windsor outside of the City Centre Planning District. In order to develop safe, caring and diverse neighbourhoods, opportunities for a broad range of housing types and complementary services and amenities are provided.

The following objectives and policies establish the framework for development decisions in Residential areas.

6.3.1 Objectives


6.3.2 Policies

In order to facilitate the orderly development and integration of housing in Windsor, the following policies shall apply.