2020 04 17 Letter to Rob Rizzo Additional information responding to everyone’s concerns and thanking him for his support for the project.
2020 04 17 Email from Rob Rizzo Thank you for information.
2020 04 17 Email to Ray Unis Let him know that the sewer is planned to go down the centre of south lane of the road.
2020 04 18 Email from Ray Unis Thank you for information about sewer location
2020 04 18 Email to Ward Councillor Provided summary of issues and responses
2020 04 18 Email from Roby Roy He is available to talk on Sunday
2020 04 19 Telecon with Rob Roy Sanitary sewer is not his main concern. He purchased his home within the last couple years intending to live in a quasi-rural area and finds this commercial development to be in intrusion into his neighborhood. Would like to install a cul-de-sac on baseline to limit access from the hotel
2020 04 19 Letter to Rob Roy Additional information responding to everyone’s concerns for the project.
2020 04 19 Email to Angie LaMarre Wondering whether she would like to meet this evening.
2020 04 20 Telecon with Anita Trudeau Concerned with lack of notice, potential for increased crime in the area. They have young children and they are concerned about safety.
2020 04 20 Email to Anita Trudeau Additional information responding to everyone’s concerns for the project.
2020 04 20 Second email from City Clerk to four remaining residents asking them to contact me Provided my contact information
2020 04 22 Letter with additional information sent through Clerks Department to remaining residents that had filed a concern. Provided summary of resident’s concerns with additional information for each and repeated our willingness to meet with any concerned resident.
2020 04 24 Telecon with Keith Riberdy Concerned about cost of local improvement costStorm sewer on north side of Baseline is in poor condition and lacks capacityWants to know why we didn’t go south from the site along 7th concession to the municipal drain.Concern about intersection of CR42 and 7th Concession traffic
2020 04 24 Email from Angie LaMarre Spoke to a neighbour that I had spoken to previously. Talking with others and received a copy of the letter I had sent. Will contact me if she has questions.