CITY OF WINDSOR – SITE PLAN APPROVAL OFFICER – Jason Campigotto, April 17, 2020

The development proposal is defined as ‘Major Development’ through By-law 1-2004, as such, shall be subject to Site Plan Control. Additional information regarding the Site Plan Approval review process, including current applications and fees can be found online at:

CITY OF WINDSOR - TRANSPORTATION PLANNING – OPA/Rezoning Comments - Juan Paramo, April 22, 2020

Overall, Transportation Planning supports the subject Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment. The following requirements are expected to be satisfied through Site Plan Control.

CITY OF WINDSOR - TRANSPORTATION PLANNING – Transportation Impact Study Comments – Jeff Hagan - April 7, 2020

We have reviewed the transportation impact study report for the above-noted application (“3175 Banwell Road Transportation Impact Study” dated February 4, 2020, by Jim Mallett, Rajan Philips, and Maddison Murch of Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited). Our comments are below.

Overall, the report establishes that the traffic impacts of the proposed development can be accommodated by the surrounding road network, but the report does not justify the need for the proposed right-in/right-out access on Banwell Road.

All issues noted with the report deal with specifics of site layout and site access that would be subject to consideration at the site plan application stage and are beyond the scope of the review required for a zoning application.

Detailed comments are as follows: