Also, please note the following should you find any abandoned infrastructure in the area:

ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES – Anne Marie Albidone, Dec. 30, 2019 No concerns from Environmental Services.

ENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY COORDINATOR – Yared Meraal, Dec. 19, 2019 As they have already provided an Environmental Assessment, we have no further requests/comments.

ENWIN UTILITIES (Hydro Engineering) – Cecile Dalgleish, Jan. 9, 2020

No Objection. This particular development area is not serviced by ENWIN Utilities (HYDRO) as shown in the attached sketch. We suggest contacting Hydro One for comment. Attached is also a sketch showing the ENWIN service boundary for the southeast corner of the City of Windsor.

ENWIN UTILITIES (Water Engineering) – Cecile Dalgleish, Jan. 9, 2020

Water Engineering has no objections to the rezoning.

ESSEX REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY (ERCA) – Corinne Chiasson, Jan 15, 2020: See comment on pages 7 & 8 of this Appendix D.

HERITAGE PLANNER– Kristina Tang, Jan. 23, 2020

The subject property is located on an area of low archaeological potential.