Item No. 11.1

Council Report: S 68/2020

Subject: Response to B3/2020 Directing Administration to Report Back with a Neighbourhood Residential Rehabilitation Grant Program and List of Funded CIPs


Date to Council: June 8, 2020
Author: Laura Diotte, MCIP, RPP
Planner III - Special Projects
519-255-6543 ext. 6396 

Planning & Building Services
Report Date: April 27, 2020
Clerk’s File #: Z/10320

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT Report S68/2020 BE RECEIVED for Information.

Executive Summary:



On January 27, 2020 at the Special Meeting of Council, Council approved the following (B3/2020) in response to Report C5/2020 (Report C5/2020 attached as Appendix A):

  1. That the report of the Planner III – Special Projects dated January 9, 2020 entitled “Response to CR504/2019 requesting all Community Improvement Plans be Provided to Council during Budget Deliberations” BE RECEIVED for information; and,

  2. That Administration BE DIRECTED to report back to Council with options and process related to a Neighbourhood Residential Rehabilitation Grant Program to the Downtown CIP; and,

  3. That Administration BE DIRECTED to provide a list of current Community Improvement Plans (CIP), and whether or not these CIPs are funded.