
Front Yard Depth – minimum

3.50 m


Rear Yard Depth – minimum

6.0 m


SideYard Width – minimum

6.0 m


Landscaped Open Space Yard – minimum

[ZDM 15; ZNG/6046]  

25.0% of the lot area

Executive Summary:



Application Information:

Location: 3175, 3195 and 3215 Banwell Road
West side of Banwell Road between Tecumseh Road East and Palmetto Street; PIN 01566-0995; Roll No. 070-890-02411

Ward: 7 Planning District: 10 – Forest Glade             Zoning District Map:15

Applicant: Responsive Group Inc. (Greg Bowman)

Agent: Zelinka Priamo Ltd. (Matt Campbell) 


The applicant is requesting Amendments to the Official Plan (OPA) and Zoning By-law 8600 (ZBA) to allow a three-storey long-term care facility consisting of 192 beds,142 parking spaces including 4 accessible spaces, 6 bicycle parking spaces, and 2 loading spaces in two parking areas. Access is via two driveways from Banwell Road: a south access to a future signalized intersection at Banwell Road and Palmetto Street located on lands to the south owned by others; and a north access to Banwell Road.

The agent submitted the following documents with the application: Planning Justification Report (PJR) prepared by Zelinka Priamo Ltd. (January 31, 2020), Functional Servicing Report (FSR) prepared by Aleo Associates Inc. (January 31, 2020), Transportation Impact Study (TIS) prepared by Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited (February 2020), and a Conceptual Site Plan (February 23, 2020).

The agent submitted a revised conceptual site plan dated April 22, 2020 (Appendix A). This report is based on the revised conceptual site plan.

While this application was being processed, a new Provincial Policy Statement 2020 (PPS 2020) came into effect on May 1, 2020. The Planning Division requested an update to the PJR to reflect the new PPS 2020 and the revised conceptual site plan. The original PJR is attached as Appendix B. An addendum to the PJR is in Appendix B2. The TIS is being updated based on feedback from Transportation Planning and the Planning Division and the revised conceptual site plan.