The Responsive Group has made an application to the City of Windsor to amend its Official Plan and Zoning By-Law for the lands at 3175, 3195, and 3215 Banwell Road (the “subject lands”) in the City of Windsor. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to permit the development of a three-storey long-term care facility.

The purpose of the following Planning Justification Report is to evaluate the proposed Official Plan Amendment and the proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment within the context of existing land use policies and regulations, including the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement, the City of Windsor Official Plan, and the City of Windsor Zoning By-Law 8600.


The subject lands consist of three parcels located on the west side of Banwell Road, approximately 180m (590.6ft) south of Tecumseh Road East (Figure 1). The rectangular shaped subject lands have an approximate frontage of 154.1m (505.6ft) along Banwell Road, an approximate depth of 82.8m (271.7ft), and an area of approximately 1.4ha (3.5ac) (Figure 2).

Figure 1 – Subject Lands and Surrounding Context

There is currently no formal vehicular access to the subject lands. Pedestrian sidewalks are located to the north of the subject lands along the east and west sides of Banwell Road. The lands are flat in topography and there is no significant vegetation (Figures 3 and 4).