From: Robert Rizzo
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 2:40 PM
To: Nwaesei, Justina <>
Subject: re zoning change for 4100 7th con.rd zng/5980

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my name is robert rizzo, owner of 4120 7th concession. my property is located directly to the south of proposed zoning change. a four story hotel across from the airport is a perfect location. county road 42 is going to be widened for the mega hospital if traffic is a concern.the hotel would also benefit patients or families requiring services from the mega hospital, if patients and family are from outside the area. hotels are always located a stones throw away from an airport. i realize there are homes on baseline rd but there are businesses on county rd. 42 now. its a very small residential area next to commercial zoning on 42. or i should say backs up to. i would hope dave patel of ashapuri enterprises will be able to move forward with his proposed project. you may reach me for comment at i hope planning and council will see this project as a benefit to the community. thank you, robert rizzo