Horton’s. Unfortunately, the city turned that down since the overall drainage scheme required the sanitary flow be directed to the east. We then proposed either a small diameter pipe or a larger gravity sewer running easterly on County Rd. 42 to just before 8th concession where there is a connection. The city was quite collaborative in these negotiations, but after considering it, they made it clear that they wanted the sewer to run down Baseline Rd. The construction of a sanitary sewer along Baseline Rd. was already a municipal objective before the hotel was proposed. If anything, the hotel provided the means for public works to achieve its objective of improving the environment by connecting the homes on Baseline to municipal services and abandoning the existing septic systems. The hotel will pay its full share of the construction. The residents have the alternative of putting the cost on their taxes and paying it over a period of time.

While the applicant supports the environmental objective of getting these homes off septic tanks, we would be happy with any of the alternative routes.

b) Cost of sewer surcharge


Once connected to the sanitary sewer, the residents will be charged the sewer surcharge rate. They prefer to not pay that charge.


The sewer surcharge is paid by all residents of the City of Windsor (except those on septic tanks) in order to cover the cost of the sewer system in the City of Windsor. We understand why the residents would want to avoid that cost but also know that it constitutes their fair share the infrastructure costs in the city.

c) Not a good location for a Hotel


Some residents suggest that this is an inappropriate location for a commercial enterprise such as a hotel.


The site is currently designated as a Business Park which allows for business and industrial uses. The current zoning is Commercial Hamlet which permits commercial uses such as a service station, a bank, a public hall, tavern, lumber yard or a motel, a steel yard or if it was a bit closer to CR 42, a hotel. This site has never been intended to be an extension of the residential area.

d) Lack of demand for a hotel


The residents note the existence of hotels west of Walker Rd on Cabana. They suggest that those hotels provide adequate capacity for travelers in the area.