


  1. That the Redevelopment Concept Plan for Little River Acres Park, attached hereto as Schedule ?A?, BE APPROVED; and

  2. That the Parks and Facility Operations Department BE DIRECTED to implement Phases 1 through 4 of the Redevelopment Concept Plan in accordance with the Phasing Plan attached hereto as Schedule ?C?, using funds allocated in Project #7041913 (Little River Acres CIP Implementation); and

  3. That the City Solicitor BE DIRECTED to seek acquisition of two (2) lots using existing parkland acquisition funds, for the purpose of creating pedestrian access at the South side of Little River Acres Park; and

  4. That the Parks and Facility Operations Department BE DIRECTED to proceed with an application for re-zoning of the east portion (2.3 acres) of the existing 10.5 acre park, as depicted in the design concept plan attached hereto as Schedule ?A?, inclusive of an additional public meeting.


Report Number 13109 Z/7147 C1 

Redevelopment Plan
Phasing Plan
Internal Distribution
Planning [Chris Brown]
Acting City Planner [Jim Yanchula]
General Manager, Public Works
Executive Director of Parks & Facility Operations
General Manager, Community & Protective Services
City Solicitor
Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer
External Distribution
David Masse

Little River Acres Residents Assoc.