Development & Heritage Standing Committee
Monday, May 11, 2020

Report Number: S 36/2020

Clerk's File: SAA2020

11.2. Downtown CIP Grant Applications made by Clarke Gallie for 773 Assumption Street, Ward 4

Clarke Gallie, Applicant

Clarke Gallie, applicant is available for questions via video conference before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report “Downtown CIP Grant Applications made by Clarke Gallie for 773 Assumption Street, Ward 4.”

Nate Schaly, Property Owner

Nate Schaly, property owner is available for questions via video conference before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report "Downtown CIP Grant Applications made by Clarke Gallie for 773 Assumption Street, Ward 4."

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: DHSC 162

  1. THAT the request made by Clark Gallie (Owner) for the proposed development at 773 Assumption Street to participate in the Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant Program BE APPROVED for 100% of the municipal portion of the tax increment resulting from the proposed development of an additional dwelling unit in an accessory structure for five (5) years in accordance with the Downtown Windsor Enhancement Strategy and Community Improvement Plan.

  2. THAT Administration BE DIRECTED to prepare an agreement between the City and Clarke Gallie (Owner) to implement the Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant Program in accordance with all applicable policies, requirements, and provisions contained within the Downtown Windsor Enhancement Strategy and Community Improvement Plan to the satisfaction of the City Planner as to content, the City Solicitor as to legal form, and the CFO/City Treasurer as to financial implications.

  3. THAT the CAO and City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign the Grant Agreements.

  4. THAT should the proposed development not be completed in one (1) year from the Council approval date, City Council AUTHORIZE that the funds be uncommitted and made available for other applications.

Report Number: S 62/2020

Clerk’s File: SPL/13801