Surrounding land uses consist of a range of commercial, light industrial, open space/public park, and residential uses (Figure 5). Commercial and light industrial uses are located to the north along Tecumseh Road East, including a grocery store, a bank, and a hardware store (Figure 6). A public park is located to the west between Troup Crescent and Urban Lane. Low density residential uses in the form of 1- and 2-storey single detached dwellings are located to the west, southwest, and southeast (Figure 7). Medium density residential uses in the form of 2-storey townhouse dwellings are located to the southeast, outside of the City of Windsor municipal boundary, within the Township of Sandwich South. A single-storey, long-term care facility (Banwell Gardens) is located directly across Banwell Road from the subject lands, which is also owned and operated by The Responsive Group.

Figure 5 – Surrounding Land Uses (Subject Lands in Yellow; Municipal Boundary in Dashed Red Line)

This portion of Banwell Road is identified as a “Class II Arterial Road”. The long-term plan for Banwell Road includes reconstruction to accommodate four (4) lanes of traffic, which will require road widening to achieve a 30m right-of-way. This widening is accounted for in the proposed Site Plan, as discussed later in this report.