Our proposed service delivery review that is going to City Council for final approval in January 2020 maintains this service.

TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ENGINEER – Juan Paramo, Jan. 22, 2020 Overall, Transportation Planning supports the subject Zoning By-law amendment. The following requirements are expected to be satisfied through Site Plan Control.


  1. No issues were identified with the study.

  2. The study recommends an off-site improvement. We recommend that this improvement be provided at the developer’s cost:

“Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that the development be approved with an auxiliary westbound left-turn lane with a storage length of 15-meters at the intersection of Concession Road 7 and West Driveway.”

WINDSOR FIRE & RESCUE SERVICES – John Lee, Dec. 17, 2019

No concerns.

WINDSOR POLICE SERVICE - Barry Horrobin, Dec. 17, 2019

My comments for this application are as follows:

The Windsor Police Service has no concerns or objections with this Zoning By-Law amendment application to permit a hotel on the subject property. The proposed development is not anticipated to cause any problems that will impact public safety for the immediate area. While such a land use (hotel) does carry some unique conditions that affect public safety, these have already been addressed through a comprehensive review of the applicant’s site plan by this office. It is felt the requirements of the applicant, as it relates to their site plan, will ensure safety and security for the hotel once it is constructed and becomes operational.