A network of pedestrian pathways are illustrated on the conceptual site plan, providing connections between amenity areas, parking areas, and multiple building entrances. Landscaping will be provided across the site, with an emphasis on providing a quality landscape buffer along the rear property line between the subject lands and the single detached dwellings along Troup Crescent. A detailed landscape plan will be provided at the Site Plan Approval stage.

The proposed new long-term care facility is required to replace the Banwell Gardens long-term care home across the street. Due to provincial legislation reflecting new building standards, all older long-term care facilities will be removed from service by 2025 and replaced with new, modern facilities.


An Official Plan Amendment is required to re-designate the subject lands from the existing “Commercial Corridor” land use designation to the “Residential” land use designation to permit the proposed long-term care facility.

A Zoning By-Law Amendment is required to re-zone the subject lands from the existing “Holding, Commercial District 2 (HCD2.1)” zone to a site specific “Residential District 3 (High Density Housing) (RD3.14(_))” zone to permit the proposed long term care facility. The following site specific special regulations are proposed: