Consultations were held with City Administrative Departments and Utility Companies, which resulted in the information outlined in Appendix “C” attached.

There were no objections from all of the municipal departments and all of the external agencies contacted.

Engineering Division requires the owner of 921 Bell Isle View Boulevard to obtain a permit to maintain the driveway approach to City Standard AS-221 or AS-222.

Easements are requested by Bell Canada, Cogeco Connexion, Enbridge Gas and Enwin Utilities Ltd and are included as necessary in the corresponding recommendations section of this report. MNSi initially requested easements and subsequently informed the Planning Division that they would no longer require easements for their services.

Notice of Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting and Council meeting are published in the Windsor Star prior to each of the meetings. In addition, notice of each of the public meetings will be mailed to any abutting/affected property owners prior to the meetings.


The Planning Division recommends closure of the portion of the east/west alley shown as “Part 1”, “Part 3” and “Part 4” on attached Appendix “A”, subject to easements as in Recommendations II, VIII and X of this report in favour of Bell Canada, Cogeco Connexion and Enwin Utilities.

The Planning Division recommends closure of the portion of the Belle Isle View Boulevard shown as “Part 2” on attached Appendix “A”, subject to easements as in Recommendation V of this report in favour of Cogeco Connexion, Enbridge Gas and Enwin Utilities.

The Planning Division recommends sale of the portion of the previously closed north/south alley shown as “Part 5” on Appendix “A” to the abutting property owner as in Recommendations XII and XIII of this report.

The closed portions of the east/west alley and Belle Isle View right-of-way are to be conveyed to the abutting property owners as in Recommendations II, V, VIII and X of this report.

Planning Act Matters: