1.2 meters (4 ’ ) Side Yard Width

The lack of privacy and fire security.

Parking In the Front Yard

Limited area to plant trees.

2 Meters From Parking To Building Wall

A completely unacceptable safety risk: If a pickup were to back into the rear yard parking, the box and tailpipe would cantilever over the curb by three feet. Exhaust (carbon monoxide) would be captured by the porches.

Page 9 of 11: “ Clause f) reduces the minimum separation between the building wall and the rear parking area. This is partially because the adjacent alley has a width of only 4.5 m (15 feet) and Section requires a minimum parking aisle width of 6.0 m. Section 25.5.50 allows a parking aisle (an aisle that provides access to parking spaces) to be located with an alley. The 1.5 m difference in width shall be made up on the subject parcel. The reduction in parking area separation allows for proper access to the parking spaces. ” I have been able to safely deal with the 15 ’ alley. See attached image of 909-11-13-15-17 California.

Not mentioned in the report:

Curbing for the parking lot.

Paving the alley to eliminate dust and noise. This was a requirement for my 2004 project. Proper full cut-off rear yard security lighting. Page 99 of 220. The applicant proposes that the university lighting will help make the development secure. Lighting is not supposed to drift from one property to another.

Lastly the height of building is not given.

We as developers and landlords need to consider the future needs of our City. I am available by phone on Monday if required. 519-796-6040





Kevin Flood 

Cc: Barry Horrobin

Cc: Adam Szymczak