City of Windsor

March 29, 2020

Re: S36/2020

Objection to closure of alley 700 block of Vimy, Windsor, ON

I was contacted by Christopher Aspila for the City planning department on Friday March 27 about the closure of the alley at our home at 723 Vimy. I want to strongly object to this closure.

We have lived at 723 Vimy for 35 years and use the alley daily. The permitted garage was built in 1990 and my vehicle is parked in the garage and used every day. This is a well maintained heated and air conditioned garage with an alarm system and a surveillance system. This garage was permitted as a usable garage with alley access for a vehicle when it was built.

I have maintained the alley since the garage was built. I trim overhanging branches and maintain any weeds or grass not cut by the other residences. I have purchased a large walked behind snow blower that I use to clear the alley after any snowfall. I have on several occasions brought in loads of gravel to maintain a level driving surface for my vehicle.

As stated this alley is used daily, sometimes several times daily and it is vital that it remain open.

Please feel free to contact me at 519-xxx-xxxx if you need more information or want to come and inspect the property.

Thank you,

Ted Potvin

Owner 723 Vimy Ave, Windsor