From: Horrobin, Barry < >

Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 1:28 PM

To: planningdept < >

Subject: FW: Agenda Items - May Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting

CAUTION : This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

I have received a response from Simona on this request but not Adam and I am not sure he is getting his emails. Can someone please forward the liaison sheets and any sketches for the following applications:

  1. 1035 California (Z-002/20) – Adam

  2. 955 California (-003/20) – Adam

Thank you,

Barry Horrobin, B.A., M.A., CLEP, CMM-III
Director of Planning & Physical Resources WINDSOR POLICE SERVICE
Advanced Certified Law Enforcement PlannerFrom: Horrobin, Barry
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 12:26 PM
To: ' ' < >; Simion, Simona < >
Subject: Agenda Items - May Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting

Adam and Simona:

I noticed from the recent posting in the Windsor Star for the agenda items for the May meeting of the DHSC that the applications listed include the following:

  1. 930 Marion Avenue (Z-001/20) – Simona

  2. 1035 California (Z-002/20) – Adam

  3. 955 California (-003/20) – Adam

I cannot locate anything in my files indicating that I commented on these 3 applications. Did either of you receive anything from me as I do not recall them being circularized per the usual process? Can you advise and if you did not get anything from me, can you have the particulars forwarded by email so that I can submit my remarks?
