From: Kathleen Montello < >

Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 5:57 PM 

To: Toldo, Beth < >;; 'O'Neal, Kristy' < >; 'Slim, Barbara' <>; 'Horne, Malcolm (MTCS)' < >; 'Webb, Thanos (MTCS' <>

Subject: RE: May 11, 2020 Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting

CAUTION : This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Good Afternoon Beth,

I am not available May 11 th . Can you please request a deferral and give me the next two dates the committee will meet so that I can ensure that my calendar is clear? In the meantime, I will communicate with my clients and the representatives of the City regarding the remaining outstanding issues to see if we can come to agreement.

Kathleen M. Montello
Montello Law Professional Corporation
2510 Ouellette Avenue
Suite 102
Windsor, Ontario
N8X 1L4

Telephone: (519) 966-9668

Facsimile: (519) 966-0651

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