From: Jonscot Gibbons

Sent: Friday, May 8, 2020 9:41 AM

To: Toldo, Beth < >; Simion, Simona <>

Subject: 930 Marion Avenue - FILE # Z-001/20

Importance: High

CAUTION : This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Beth / Simona-

Please let this email serve as my objection to the proposed plans for 930 Marion Avenue. I am the property owner at 979 Marion Avenue. I have lived at this address for 18+ years.

Since this property was sold, the owner has failed to maintain said property, only up until recently. The property was a home for drug sales and homeless groups living on the property. The owner did not physically maintain the building, grass, parking lot, etc. The Windsor Police service has been called numerous times and responded to neighbor complaints regarding this building. Its hard to imagine how an owner that cannot take care of a vacant structure is going to provide a suitable building for others to call home.

The owners neglect should speak volumes to his application. I understand you as a committee, were not aware of the conditions, continuous police activity, etc. Ironically, once the owner proposed his 3 options to the City, the property overnight was cleaned, grass cut and a fence completely securing the property.

Why was the property not secured since the owner purchased it?

I strongly disagree with the owners proposal to build a residential housing unit or what I am understanding from others, as a low income housing building NOT a senior residence or nursing home.

The sewers on Marion were built in 1910. Many homes in the 900 block of Marion already are experiencing sewer problems as a result of ancient infrastructure. I can only imagine backups will be worse.

In closing, there has been NO public presentation and or information given to residents pertaining to this project. All of our homes will be affected if this project moves forward. If a 3rd floor is built it will change the look of the charming neighborhood. It may block vantage points and or views from our homes.

I strongly urge you to deny the application until presentations and or meetings with the residents can occur.