Objective supports a complementary range of housing forms and tenures in all neighbourhoods. Objective seeks to promote compact neighbourhoods and balanced transportation systems. Objective seeks to promote selective residential redevelopment, infill and intensification initiatives. The proposed multiple dwelling with a maximum of six dwelling units represents a complementary and compact form of housing, redevelopment, and intensification that is near sources of transportation that support the growing student population within Windsor. The zoning amendment satisfies the objectives set out in Section 6.5.1 of the Official Plan.

The proposed multiple dwelling is classified as a small-scale Low Profile housing development under Section (a), a permitted use in the Residential land use designation (Section The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding land uses (Section (c)) and no deficiencies in municipal physical services and emergency services have been identified (Section (e)). The zoning amendment conforms to the policies in Sections and of the Official Plan.

The recommended zoning amendment conforms to the Zoning Amendment Policies, Section and, of the Official Plan.

The proposed change to Zoning By-law 8600 conforms to the general policy direction of the Official Plan.

Zoning By-Law:

Relevant excerpts from Zoning By-law 8600 are attached as Appendix D.

Staff recommends that the zoning be changed from Residential District 1.3 (RD1.3) to Residential District 2.2 (RD2.2) with a site specific exception. The RD2.2 zoning district is an appropriate zoning category and is compatible with the existing uses in the neighbourhood.

RD2.2 permits a multiple dwelling with a maximum of four dwelling units on a lot with a minimum width of 18.0 m and a minimum area of 540.0 m2, with a minimum front yard depth of 6.0, a minimum rear yard depth of 7.50 m and a minimum side yard width of 1.80 m. The minimum building height is 10.0 m with a maximum lot coverage of 45%.

The applicant is requesting a maximum of six dwelling units, a reduction in the minimum side yard width from 1.80 m to 1.20 m, an increase in maximum lot coverage from 45% to 50%, permitting two front yard parking spaces and a reduction in the minimum separation between a parking area and a building wall containing habitable room windows. All permitted dwelling types in the RD2.2 zoning district have the same maximum lot coverage, maximum building height, minimum front yard depth and minimum rear yard depth. Only minimum lot width, minimum lot area and minimum side yard width vary by dwelling type.

The applicant is requesting an, increase in lot coverage from 45% to 50%. While the conceptual plan shows lot coverage as 43%, the applicant is concerned that porches – which are not shown on the conceptual plan and are included in lot coverage calculations – may push lot coverage over 45%. The increase in maximum lot coverage to 50% should have no adverse impact on adjacent properties. The subject parcel is still subject to a minimum front yard setback of 6 m and a minimum rear yard setback of 7.50 m.