Appendix ‘C’ – Consultations Table SAA/5871

Agency Comments
Fire and Rescue Services No concerns
Windsor Police Services The Windsor Police Service supports the closure of this alley. This alley is somewhat confining and has a “closed in” feel about it due to abutting fences and vegetation cover. This creates safety challenges for the alley in the form of reduced sight lines and added concealment capability that promotes loitering, trespassing into abutting properties for criminal opportunities, and an overall discreet space to support unlawful behaviour/activity. This alley is not required for facilitating police incident response or patrol activities so closure represents the best decision from a public safety perspective.
Planning – Landscape Architect No concerns/objections
Parks & Facilities No concerns/objections
Public Works – Engineering The subject alley is approximately 4.26m (14.0) wide, appears to be travelled, and is partially composed of gravel and grass. There are no municipal sewers or manholes located in the alley. There are hydro poles and guy wires located in the subject alley, an easement would be required for utilities. Access is currently blocked between Louis and the east side of 705 Vimy, the alley appears to be used as garage access for 723 Vimy Ave. Also, there appears to be a fence across the alley at the west property limit of 723 Vimy Ave. There is a concrete driveway approach leading to the alley on Marentette Avenue; the residents will be responsible for the concrete approach. If this approach has no useful purpose to the resident, reinstatement of the concrete barrier curb and boulevard restoration, may be required of the resident or by future City of Windsor road rehabilitation. Only one (1) driveway approach is permitted on a single frontage. This alley appears to serve some useful purpose by CR146/2005; therefore, we object to the closure of this section of alley.
Public Works – Environmental No concerns
Public Works – Transportation Access is currently blocked between Louis and east side of 705 (north entrance east of Louis). Currently the garage at the rear of 723 Vimy would need to be accessed from the east and/or fence removed from side yard of 2388 Louis. The north/south alley is blocked by overgrown trees and uneven ground conditions. The only access is from the alley that is being proposed to be closed. For this reason Traffic operations does not support the closure as requested
Transit Windsor  
Bell Canada Subsequent to review by our local engineering department, Bell Canada has identified that we require protection for