3236-3238 Sandwich Street on the far right (April 1953)
Sandwich HCD Policies and Urban Design Considerations
The applicant proposed the following improvements which were approved by City Council through a Heritage Alteration Permit on October 7, 2019, (See HAP-010/19 DHSC 09/16/2019; Council 10/07/2019 Decision Number: CR502/2019 DHSC 88 I.):
Remove the existing Sandwich Street (east facing) facade brick which had been altered in the 1980’s (painted and new replacement brick may have been added) with heritage appropriate brick and brick coursing and stone details;
Brick and mortar repair and paint the north, west, and south facades;
Supply new heritage appropriate windows and doors in black; and,
Reinstate the existing sign and supply new black goose neck lighting.
The proposed improvements are consistent with the Sandwich HCD policies and Sandwich Urban Design Guidelines.
Sandwich Incentive Program(s)
The proposal is located within Target Area 1 of the Sandwich CIP Area and eligible for the following Incentive programs. The eligible costs for each incentive program are based on the costs estimates provided by the applicant, as the project is implemented these costs could fluctuate slightly which could have a minor impact on the eligible costs for each incentive program. The application is consistent with the general program requirements identified in Section 10.3 of the CIP, with the following program specific requirements: