The proposed residential development focus growth and development within a settlement area and intensification. The proposed amendment is consistent with the PPS policies and as follows:

In my opinion, the proposed development promotes intensification within existing urban settlement area and efficiently uses the existing infrastructure. The recommended amendment to the Zoning By-law 8600 makes sound planning being consistent with the above mentioned sections of the PPS 2020.


Applicable OP Sections can be found in detail in the Appendix C: Excerpts from the OP of this report.

The Official Plan, Schedule D: Land Use designates the subject land as “Mixed Use”. Section 6.9 of the OP describes “Mixed Use” areas as main locations for compact clusters of commercial, office, institutional, open space and residential uses. The OP supports and promotes the following objectives:

As per Section “Permitted Uses”, uses permitted in the “Mixed Use” areas include retail and service commercial establishments, offices, cultural, recreation and entertainment uses, and institutional, open space and residential uses, exclusive of small scale Low Profile residential development.

As mentioned above, residential uses are permitted under the current Official Plan designation, exclusive of the small scale low profile residential development.

The three residential concepts proposing 40 – 81 units are large scale developments, therefore permitted uses by the OP policies.