Typically, the proposed Installation of Eco Metal T18 siding panels on the east facade is not a material that would be considered eligible under the program. However, this material is necessary to prevent moisture from being trapped behind the masonry wall and City owned mural installed on this east facing wall in 2006. Murals and public art are eligible under Category A (Beautification), so the Eco Metal T18 siding panels are being considered part of the structural system for the mural installation.

5640 Wyandotte Street East

Proposed Facade Improvements

The applicant has applied for the Building Facade Improvement Program under Categories A (Beautification), Categories B (Restoration) and C (Replacement). The applicant proposes the following work, which is eligible under the program:

Proposed Work on South (Wyandotte St. E FacingFacade) Costs(HST included) Grant Amount
Removal of existing awning and lighting on front $678.00 $339.00
Design and Installation of new signage $3,830.70 $1,915.35
Repair/ repointing masonry of South facade $5,251.68 $2,625.84
Repair/ replacement of cornices, parapets, eaves, and soffits $1,248.65 624.33
Total: $11,009.03 $5,504.52