The recommendation to deny the applicant’s request to close the subject east/west alley poses no known risks or liabilities to the Corporation of The City of Windsor. It is true that closure of the alley would transfer liabilities to the abutting property owners and divest the City of associated liability risks and maintenance costs. However, it is equally true that The Corporation of the City of Windsor would benefit from leaving the alleyway open as a means of vehicular access to 723 Vimy Avenue.

Financial Matters:

Should City Council approve the closure, land abutting property zoned Residential RD1.2, would cost $1.00 plus deed preparation and proportionate survey cost as invoiced.


Consultations were held with City Administrative Departments and Utility Companies, which resulted in the information found in attached Appendix “C”.

There were objections made by Engineering – Right-of-Way and Transportation to the closure of the subject east/west alley on the grounds of vehicle access to the garage at the rear of 723 Vimy Avenue. No further objections were made by City Departments nor utility companies.

Bell Canada, MNSi, Cogeco Cable Systems Inc., and Enwin Utilities Ltd. require easements in the subject area of closure.

Notices of the meetings of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee and Council are published in the Windsor Star prior to each of the meetings. In addition, notice of each of the public meetings will be mailed to the abutting/affected property owners prior to the meetings.


The east/west alley proposed for closure is classified as indispensable; hence, it is not suitable for closure.

Vehicular access is required to the property known as 723 Vimy Avenue via the east/west alley.

Therefore, the recommendation is to deny the applicant’s request to close the subject east/west alley, as noted in Recommendation I of this report.

Planning Act Matters: