The subject site is located on a corner lot on the south side of Niagara Street and the east side of Marion Avenue. The surrounding area represents mainly residential uses.

Surrounding Land Uses:

Site photos (Google Street View, October 2017) are attached to this report as Appendix A: Site Photos to identify the surrounding land uses and the character of the subject neighbourhood.

Municipal Infrastructure:

The site may be serviced by a 375mm brick combined sewer fronting Marion Avenue and a 750mm RCP storm sewer along Niagara Street. If possible existing connections should be utilized. Any redundant connections are to be abandoned in accordance with the City of Windsor Engineering Best Practice B.P 1.3.3. Storm water management and a site grading plan will be required demonstrating storm water runoff will be restricted to pre-development flows.

Transit Windsor Bus:

Transit Windsor has transit service on Erie with bus stops at Marion. These bus stops are approximately 150 metres away from this property falling within our 400 metre walking distance to a bus stop guideline. This service will be maintained by the newly approved Transit Master Plan.


The subject property is located on the South East corner of Niagara Street, and Marion Avenue, municipally known as 930 Marion Avenue. The subject site is currently occupied by a two-storey vacant building built in 1970. The site was previously used as the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board’s DeSantis Elementary School. Following the closure of the school, the building was used as the ‘Science City’ museum from 2004 to 2016.

The property is designated ‘Mixed Use’ by the City of Windsor Official Plan and zoned ‘Institutional District 1.4’ (ID 1.4) by Zoning By-law 8600. The applicant is requesting an amendment to the Zoning By-law 8600 to change the zoning of the subject property from ‘Institutional District 1.4’ (ID 1.4) to ‘Residential District 3.15’ (RD 3.15) to permit the following uses Lodging House, Multiple Dwelling or Residential Care Facility. The