Appendix ‘C’ – Consultations Table  

Agency Comments
Fire and Rescue Services  
Windsor Police Services The Windsor Police Service fully supports the requested closure of this alley. A site inspection carried out on October 3rd, 2019 revealed an alley space very discreet and unsafe looking in its general physical appearance. Sight lines into the space are compromised by the alleys’ offset configuration and it had a number of overgrown weeds, adding to a condition of increased vulnerability. In its current condition, it is attractive for unlawful behaviour and closure would represent a sound course of action to make. The alley is not required for police patrol or incident response purposes either and the outcome from the closure will therefore not marginalize police service delivery in any way. We support the closure as a means of improving public safety of the space.
Planning – Landscape Architect No Objection from a landscape architectural or Parks perspective.
Parks & Facilities No Objections
Public Works – Engineering The subject alley closure is approximately 4.25m (14ft) wide, and appears to be used as a gravel driveway for 241 Wyandotte St. East. There are hydro poles and overhead wires located on the west side of the alley, an easement is required for utilities. There are no sewers, manholes, or catch basins located in the alley closure. Subject to the alley closure, the property owner of 241 Wyandotte St East is required to obtain a driveway permit to maintain the driveway approach to City Standard AS-204. This alley appears to serve no useful purpose by CR146/2005; therefore, we have no objections to the closure of this alley
Public Works – Environmental No Objections
Public Works – Transportation Alley is used to access parking at rear of applicant’s property.Support closure of alley given the applicant is made aware that future access to rear parking may not be possible should owner of 257 Wyandotte purchase their half of the alley and