make alterations.Mike Spagnuolo – Traffic Operations
Transit Windsor  
Bell Canada Bell Canada has aerial facilities in this location and requests an easement over the entire potential surplus alley.
Cogeco Cable Systems Inc. Cogeco will require an easement.
Canada Post Canada Post has no comments for the attached application.
Rogers Communications  
Telus Communications TELUS has no infrastructure in the area of your proposed work. Permit expires six(6) months from approval date.
MNSi MNSi would like to be included area please.on an aerial easement for this
EnWin Utilities– Hydro Hydro Engineering: No Objection to alley closing, however, and easement named to Enwin Utilities Ltd will be required upon closing for the entire north / south alley to accommodate existing 16kV and 120/240V hydro distribution, poles and down guy wires.
Windsor Utilities– Water No Objections
Enridge Gas I confirm that Enbridge Gas Inc. (formerly Union Gas Limited) does not have any facility located within the subject property.
Legal Department The area in question should be dealt with as an alley.For lands abutting properties zoned CD3.6, $12.00 per square foot without easements and $6.00 per square foot with Easements.