1790 Provincial Road is designated Industrial on Schedule D – Land Use in the City of Windsor Official Plan (OP) and zoned Manufacturing Districts 1 (Light Industrial / Business Park) Transportation Shipping (MD1.3) in Zoning By-law 8600, which includes Transport Terminal as a permitted use. ICBL 78-2019 prohibits Transport Terminals for a period of one year from the date of the passing of the By-law. At the time of the passing of By-law 78-2019, the subject lands were vacant and as such, future Transport Terminals uses are prohibited on the subject lands until the expiration of By-law 78-2019 on July 2, 2020.

The subject lands are in the process of being sold and the purchaser is seeking an exemption from ICBL 78-2019 to allow for Transport Terminal uses prior to the expiration of the By-law. The purchaser has received consent from the City of Windsor for a Long-Combination Vehicle (LCV) inbound route to the subject lands as destination terminal.

With this consent, a formal LCV permit from the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is expected shortly. LCV outbound consent is subject to the improvements to a former driveway entrance to the west.

The purchaser requires use of the subject lands as a Transport Terminal use as soon as possible to ensure there is no disruption to business operations. As such, we are requesting an exemption of the subject lands from By-law 78-2019 for the following land use considerations:

Lastly, we note for information purposes the subject lands are subject to consent application B-010/20 being herd by the Committee of Adjustment on March 5, 2020. The proposed consent complies with the provisions of Zoning By-law 8600. There are no