As a result, on June 3, 2019 Council for the City of Windsor passed Interim Control By-law 78-2019 (ICBL 78-2019), prohibiting Transport Terminals within the MD1 and MD2 zoning districts and M1 zones for a period of one year. The ICBL has allowed the City time to study the extent of the issues raised by staff, propose possible solutions and provide revised policies and provisions impacting these zones for Council’s consideration. We note that any Transport Terminal lawfully operating at the time of the passing of ICBL 78-2019 would be considered a legal non-conforming use and would be permitted to continue to operate. Transport Terminal is defined in By-law 8600 as:

TRANSPORT TERMINAL is an industrial activity and means premises used to dispatch, park, repair, service, or store freight-carrying trucks and trailers including a transport truck and a transport trailer, and may include as an accessory use, the loading or unloading of goods or freight to or from, or transferring of goods or freight between, said trucks and trailers. A truck transportation facility or truck terminal is a transport terminal. A loading compound, motor vehicle dealership, outdoor storage yard, parking area, or towing facility is not a transport terminal.

Figure 1 – Subject Lands