Alteration permit – 3150 Sandwich Street, Sandwich HCD (Ward 2) and provides background information and details related to the application and concludes by indicating that administration recommends approval of the application.

Settimo Vilardi, Architect, Archon Architects

Settimo Vilardi, Architect, Archon Architects appears before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Request for Heritage Alteration permit – 3150 Sandwich Street, Sandwich HCD (Ward 2) and is available for questions.

Member Baker inquires about the type of replacement brick facade. Administration indicates the front facade is real brick.

Moved by: Member Baker

Seconded by: Member Foot

Decision Number: DHSC 141

BE APPROVED as shown in the plans attached as Appendix B; and,

Report Number: S 3/2020

Clerk’s File: MBA/9191

10.2. Assumption Church, 350 Huron Church Road - Heritage Restoration Updates for Phase II Work(Ward 2)

Kristina Tang, Heritage Planner

Kristina Tang, Heritage Planner appears before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Assumption Church, 350 Huron Church Road –