Heritage Restoration Updates for Phase II Work (Ward 2) and provides a detailed overview of the Phases of construction including the work that has been completed and work that will be completed over the 4 phases. Ms. Tang outlines in detail the work that will be completed in phase 2 and indicates that the restoration work will not have any negative impacts to the heritage components of the structure. Details of the plaster work are provided. Ms. Tang also details the colour scheme and some changes that may potentially be considered.

Paul Mullins, spokesperson for the restoration project

Paul Mullins, spokesperson for the restoration project appears before the Development and Heritage Standing Committee regarding the administrative report Assumption Church, 350 Huron Church Road – Heritage Restoration Updates for Phase II Work (Ward 2) and provides a brief outline of the project including timelines. Mr. Mullins reviews the completed work to date and provides information related to public events that have and/or will take place at the site.

Moved by: Councillor Sleiman

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: DHSC 142

THAT City Council BE INFORMED that Assumption Church, 350 Huron Church Road, is embarking on Phase II Interior Rehabilitation work including major plaster restoration work and restoration or potential updates to the interior paint scheme.

Report Number: S 4/2020

Clerk’s File: MBA/2988

There being no further business the meeting of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee (Heritage Act Matters) portion is adjourned at 7:29 o’clock p.m.

The Chairperson calls the Administrative Items portion of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee meeting to order at 7:29 o’clock p.m.


11.1. Close and Convey the North/South Alley Between Blackburn Court and Huron Church Road - Ward 2 - Applicant: E. Selaya - 3769 Blackburn Court -

Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman