Appendix ‘C’ – Consultations Table SAA/5858

Agency Comments
Fire and Rescue Services  
Windsor Police Services The Windsor Police Service supports the closure of this alley. A site inspection carried out on June 27th, 2019 revealed a thickly shrouded, unpaved alley space with a noticeable encroachment of vegetation. Because the alley runs the entire block between Milloy and Alice, the current state of the alley creates safety challenges in the form of broken sight lines and added concealment capability which promote loitering, trespassing into abutting properties for criminal opportunities, and an overall discreet space to support unlawful behaviour/activity. The Windsor Police Service does not require the alley for patrolling and incident response purposes and closure is therefore the best outcome for this space.
Planning – Landscape Architect No objections from a landscape architectural perspective.or Parks
Parks & Facilities No objections from a landscape architectural perspective.or Parks
Public Works – Engineering The subject alley closure is approximately 3.14m (10.3ft) wide, and appears to partially travelled but is composed mainly of grass. There are no municipal sewers or manholes located in the alley. There are hydro poles, guy wires for communications (Bell, Cogeco) located throughout the alley. An easement would be required for maintenance purposes. There appears to be 3 garage accesses within this alley (1722, 1746 & 1766 Albert Rd). There are concrete driveway approaches located at the north and south end of the alley; it may be the responsibility of the City to remove the curb cut in the future when funds exist, if the alley is not purchased. Should the abutting owners use this access they will be required to obtain a driveway permit to complete and maintain the approach to City Standard AS-222. This alley appears to serve some useful purpose by CR146/2005; therefore, we have no objections to the closure of this alley.
Public Works – Environmental No concerns from Environmental Services
Public Works – Transportation Alley is grass. Appears to be in use by vehicles. There is one area behind 1764 Albert / 1761 Hickory that is not maintained but still traversable. There are 4 garages with access to the alley and 1 parking area. It is not possible to determine which, if any, are actively in use. The alley should remain open in case any/all are used. If any of the properties should apply for an accessible parking spot in the future, access to their garage would be a preferred alternative.
Transit Windsor  
Bell Canada Bell Canada requests an easement over the entire alley, or a