Address of Work    3150 Sandwich Street

Designation By-Law No.orDistrict      Sandwich Towne

4. DESCRIPTION OF WORK((J attachments, if necessary) The description should be more detailed and extensive depending on the project. Include a written summary of work to be done along with any elevations, drawings, measurements, paint samples, information on building materials, window sizes and configurations, decorative details proposed.

Existing metal siding is intended to be removed and existing brick restored. Part of the existing brick on the westside of the building is unstable and will be replaced with ArchitecturalInsulated Panels. Existing east facade cementitious parging to be repainted. North facade to remain brick. Interior masonry walls to remain although extensive restructuring is required; structural steel beams, columns, and new foundations will be installed. Second-floor woodroof framing to be upgraded with new material.

5. NOTES FOR DECLARATIONTheapplicant agrees that the proposed work shall be done in accordance with this application, including attachments, and understands that the issuance of the Heritage Alteration Permit under the Ontario Heritage Act shall not be a waiver of any of the provisions of any By-Law of the Corporation of the City of Windsor, or the requirements of the Building Code Act, RSO 1980, c51.

The applicant acknowledgesthat in the event a permit is issued, any departure from the conditions imposed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Windsor, or plans and specifications approved is prohibited and could result in the permit being revoked. The applicantfurther agreesthatif the Heritage Alteration Permit is revoked for any cause of irregularity, in the relation to non-conformance with the said agreements, By-Laws, acts or regulations that, in consideration of the issuance of the permit, all claims against the City for any resultant loss or damage are hereby expressly