PREMISES means a lot, building, structure or any combination thereof where a use is carried on.

STRUCTURE means anything, including any component part, that is erected, built or constructed and affixed to or supported by the ground.

TRANSPORT TERMINAL means premises used to dispatch, park, repair, service, or store freight—carrying trucks and trailers including a transport truck and a transport trailer, and may include as an accessory use, the loading or unloading of goods or freight to or from, or transferring of goods or freight between, said trucks and trailers. A truck transportation facility or truck terminal is a transport terminal. A loading compound, motor vehicle dealership, outdoor storage yard, parking area, or towing facility is not a transport terminal.

TRANSPORT TRAILER means a trailer or a semi-trailer as defined in the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, 0. H8. A tractor trailer or truck trailer is a transport trailer. A cabin trailer, camping trailer, house trailer, mobile home, recreational vehicle, tent trailer or travel trailer is not a transport trailer.

TRANSPORT TRUCK means a motor vehicle used to pull a transport trailer and includes the tractor unit of a tractor-trailer combination or a semi-trailer truck or semi—tractor unit of semi-trailer combination. A truck tractor is a transport truck.

TRANSPORT STORAGE AREA means that portion of a transport terminal located outdoors used to load, manoeuvre, park, repair, service, store, or unload a transport truck or transport trailer. A loading compound, loading space, motor vehicle dealership, outdoor storage yard, parking area, or towing facility is not a transport storage area.


  1. when used as a noun means the purpose for which a building, lot, premises or structure is designed, maintained or occupied.

  2. when used as a verb means anything done by any person or permitted, either directly or indirectly by any person, for the purpose of making use of a building, lot, premises or structure.

Notwithstanding the permitted uses, prohibited uses, and provisions of Zoning By-law 8600 as amended, within any Manufacturing Districts 1. (MD1.) or any Manufacturing Districts 2. (MD2.) no land, building, or structure shall be used for a Transport Terminal except,

  1. The continued use of land, or building, or structure lawfully existing on the day of passage of this By-Law provided such use is permitted on that land, or in that building or structure, by By—Law 8600; and

  2. The repair of a building or structure lawfully existing on the day of passing of this By-iaw in order to comply with an order issued pursuant to the Property Standards By—iaw No. 147-2011.

Notwithstanding the permitted uses, permitted buildings and other structures, regulations, special regulations, and provisions of Zoning By-Law 85—18 as amended, within any Industrial Zone (M1) including Defined Area M1-11 and Defined Area M1-15, no land, building, or structure shall be used for a Transport Terminal except,

(1) The continued use of land, or building, or structure lawfully existing on the day of passage of this By—Law provided such use is permitted on that land, or in that building or structure, by By—Law 85-18; and