November 13, 2019 



City of Windsor Planning & Building Department
350 City Hall Square West, Suite 210
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6SI 

Attention: Adam Szymczak

Dear Slr:

RE: PS 054-19
Request for exemption from Interim Control By-law 78-2019
3490 Marentette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario
OUR FILE: 75269 

Further to your correspondence of November 8, 2019 regarding the above-noted pre-submission application, we hereby request on behalf of our client, 2513821 Ontario Inc., an exemption from Interim Control By-law 78-2019, which imposed interim control on transport terminals within the City of Windsor for one year from June 3, 2019 (the "ICBL").

As stated in your correspondence, Council Resolution 291 -201 9, which approved the ICBL, permits Council to consider an exemption from the ICBL where there is a determination that the creation of a new transport terminal would not con•ict with the general purpose and intent of the ICBL. Our client, 2513821 Ontario Inc., purchased the subject lands on or about May 2, 2016 for the sole purpose of operating a transport truck repair garage and transport storage area. Since that time, it has developed the subject lands for that purpose and been working with the City and other regulatory bodies to obtain site plan approval, which necessitated environmental and archeological studies with respect to the subj ect lands.

After submitting an initial site plan application to the City, which was approved subj ect to certain conditions being satis•ed, including completion of an Archeological Assessment and Environmental Evaluation Report, the City cancelled the application due to what the City detennined was inactivity on the part of our client. This was not the case as our client was going through the necessary channels to comply with the conditions imposed by the City.