Appendix E: CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) Guideline

CPTED Notes on Safety and Security

Glare Standard

To avoid glare, the recommended maximum ratio of a light source to its surrounding area is 100:1. However, this cannot be applied to light sources at night since the surrounding is close to zero and any light source whatsoever exceeds this ratio. Glare is closely related to the brightness of a light source: technically, the luminance of the light source, expressed in candela per square metre (cd/m2).

Osterhaus [2] shows a luminance limit that depends on the angle from the viewer. Close to on-axis, the suggested limit is 582 cd/m2.Off axis by 45 degrees the limit is 2570 cd/m2.

Linney [3] suggests a luminance limit of 1500cd/m2. This threshold seems to correspond reasonably well to the threshold of discomfort for a light source viewed on-axis.

There are many other definitions of glare, some highly technical and difficult to apply without specialized equipment such as computer analysis of light levels and the geometry of the lighting arrangement.

The single-figure limit of 1500cd/m2 has the great virtue of simplicity and corresponds reasonably well to perceived glare. We recommend this level as the maximum allowed brightness of a visible light source.