Moved by Councillor Sleiman, seconded by M. Cuderman,

That the update provided by the Deputy Treasurer – Taxation & Financial Projects regarding the 2019 year end close and the development of 2020 BIA budgets BE RECEIVED.

4.6 BIA Membership and Process for Addition of New Members

Discussion ensues regarding an issue in which a property owner began a business as a retail establishment on the first floor of a former residential home and actually requested that they become members of the BIA. The property was already designated CD 1.3, however MPAC considered it to be residential and not commercial.

J. Guthrie advises the city has a responsibility to ensure properties are assessed. MPAC makes that determination for an in-home business and any dispute must be made with MPAC.

The Acting Chair suggests a “user fee”/associate membership to allow a business to be entitled to the benefits of BIA marketing, etc, although the member would not have voting rights.

Moved by J. Charette, seconded by D. Croucher,

That the update relating to the BIA membership and process for addition of new members BE RECEIVED.

4.8 Update on Wayfinding Signage

This matter was discussed under Item 4.2.

4.9 Bright Lights

The Acting Chair states that Jackson Park is a permanent location for the Bright Lights event due to the costs related to infrastructure.

D. Croucher asks for the status of the funds from Casino Windsor for OLG and if these funds can be used for lighting in the BIA’s

The Acting Chair suggests representatives from the BIA’s meet with Mayor Dilkens to discuss the Bright Lights initiative.

5.  Date of Next Meeting