Item No. 10.2

Council Report: S 4/2020

Subject: Assumption Church, 350 Huron Church Road - Heritage Restoration Updates for Phase II Work (Ward 2)


Date to Council: March 9, 2020
Author: Kristina Tang
Heritage Planner
519-255-6543 ext. 6179
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: February 7, 2020
Clerk’s File #: MBA/2988

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council BE INFORMED that Assumption Church, 350 Huron Church Road, is embarking on Phase II Interior Rehabilitation work including major plaster restoration work and restoration or potential updates to the interior paint scheme.

Executive Summary: N/A


Assumption Church is Ontario’s first Roman Catholic parish and the oldest continuously operating Catholic parish. The present-day church building at 350 Huron Church Road is the fourth to serve the parish, which was first established in connection with the Jesuit Mission to the Hurons, and to serve the French colonial settlement in Ontario. Designed in the Gothic style by architect Robert Thomas Elliot in 1834, the building was constructed between 1842 and 1845 under the direction of master mason Jacques Reaume and contractor Hugh Moffat. The tower and apse were added in 1874 while the sacristy and Rosary Chapel were added in 1907.

The Assumption Church property is one of the first in the City of Windsor to receive a municipal heritage designation. Bylaw No. 5893 was adopted by City Council on February 6, 1978 (Appendix A) with exterior and interior designated elements. It is also protected by an Ontario Heritage Trust (OHT) Conservation Easement.

Assumption Church began restoration construction last year through Phase I restoration to stabilize the building through installation of a new roof and heating system. Since then, the parish has been able to return regular services to the building. The Church is now preparing for Phase II of the restoration for the Plaster Restoration and associated interior paint repairs. Other ceiling related repairs such as to the lighting and fire alarm system were mentioned as well (It is expected/anticipated that any upgrades proposed