Appendix C
Excerpts from the
City of Windsor Official Plan (OP) 2012
TYPES OF LOW PROFILE HOUSING For the purposes of this Plan, Low Profile housing development is further classified as follows:
(a) small scale forms: single detached, semi-detached, duplex and row and multiplexes with up to 8 units; and
(b) large scale forms: buildings with more than 8 units.
LOCATIONAL CRITERIA Residential development shall be located where:
there is access to a collector or arterial road;
full municipal physical services can be provided;
adequate community services and open spaces are available or are planned; and
public transportation service can be provided.
3. Development Strategy Permitted Uses
Encouraging a range of housing types will ensure that people have an opportunity to live in their neighbourhoods as they pass through the various stages of their lives. Residents will have a voice in how this new housing fits within their neighbourhood. As the city grows, more housing opportunities will mean less sprawl onto agricultural and natural lands.